Wednesday, October 7, 2009

In-Class Assignment for 12 October 2009 (send to Stella Chen before class on 12 October or as you are requested)

Escape Clause

To view the video, go here. Then answer the following questions.
    1. According to host Rod Serling's narration, what dimension is beyond that known to man?
    2. What lies beneath the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge?
    3. How old is Walter Bedeker?
    4. What is Walter's one interest in life?
    5. How many sleepless nights in a row has Walter had?
    6. How does the doctor evaluate Walter's respiration?
    7. How does he evaluate Walter's nasal passages?
    8. What does the dcotor say is psychosomatic.
    9. How many years residency did the doctor have?
    10. Who does Walter call a quack?
    11. What certificate does Walter say the doctor should sign the next time he comes?
    12. Who does the doctor say should take a few vitamins?
    13. What does Walter tell his wife he feels is coming on?
    14. How many germs in a cubit foot of air?
    15. What kind of air did the doctor say Walter needs?
    16. What can Walter smell as soon as the doctor left the room?
    17. What does Walter say he wants to do in peace?
    18. Why does the wife want to leave her husband alone?
    19. What does Walter call a microscopic fragment?
    20. What, according to Mr. Cadwallader, does Walter have a nose for?
    21. What do both Walter and Mr. Cadwallader have according to Mr. Cadwallader?
    22. What do some people call an extended life span?
    23. What does Watson want Walter to deed him?
    24. What won't Walter ever know is gone?
    25. How should Walter look after he lives a long time?
    26. Who does Walter say Mr. Cadwallader is?
    27. What does Walter get in addition to immortality?
    28. What may disintegrate according to Mr. Cadwallader?
    29. What will go on and on according to Mr. Cadwallader?
    30. What doesn't Walter want to look like when he's old?
    31. What does Mr. Cadwallader promise will be be more or less imperceptible?
    32. What number article does Watson read?
    33. What does the escape clause insure?
    34. How does Mr. Cadwallader evaluate the temperature in Walter's room?
    35. What is Walter's wife's name?
    36. What does Walter do when the subway train passes?
    37. In one word, what should Walter be after the accident, according to one witness?
    38. What is the first accident claim for?
    39. What is the second accident claim for?
    40. How much money is the claim for?
    41. How many accidents has Walter had?
    42. What does Walter look for in the medicine cabinet?
    43. How many men does Walter say should have been killed by drinking his medicine cabinet concoction?
    44. What does Walter's wife promise to cook for him?
    45. Where does Walter plan to jump off of?
    46. Where does Walter live?
    47. What apartment number?
    48. What does he want to give a little whirl?
    49. What does Walter do when the lawyer examines him?
    50. According to the lawyer, how many hours is Walter away from a guilty verdict?
    51. What does Walter say the state will get if they try to burn him?
    52. What judicial sentence does Walter receive?
    53. How many years does the police guard say Walter may have to serve in prison?
    54. What does Walter die of?

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