Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Go West, Kanye!

President Barack Obama on Kanye West

To hear President Obama's views on Kanye West, go here. Below is a partial transcript.

There are some interesting idioms: "hacked off" means "annoyed." "Joe Wilson" refers to Joe Wilson's rude behavior in Congress. "Treatment" here means "behavior." "To bud in" means to interfere. "I hear you" means "I understand you" or "I sympathize with your point of view." A "jackass" is a stupid person. The "pool" refers to the pool or group of reporters that follow the president wherever he goes. Obama is worried they might be listening. To "cut some slack" means to go easy. "Stuff on my plate" is a simple metaphor meaning a lot of other things on my mind (or to do).

Were your girls as hacked off as mine were that Kanye gave Taylor Swift the Joe Wilson treatment?

I thought that was really inappropriate. You know, I mean it's like she's getting an award, why are you budding in? I hear you. I agree with you. The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there?

Why did he do that?

He's a jackass. Now, all this stuff. . . . I'm assuming all this
stuff. . . . Where's the pool? C'mon, guys. Cut the president some slack. I've got a lot of other stuff on my plate. Cause I remember the last time there was the fly thing. That was the highlight of
the. . . .

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