Friday, December 18, 2009

Tarantino on Hawks

Tarantino on Hawks

This is part of an interview with contemporary director Quentin Trarantino, where he discusses Howard Hawks.

CHARLIE ROSE: If you had to name - I mean, I, I know you don't want to leave somebody out - who's influenced you the most, filmmakers? You said Howard Hawks-


CHARLIE ROSE: -is one.

QUENTIN TARANTINO: -Hawks is a gigantic influence, but-


QUENTIN TARANTINO: Oh, well, he is the single, as far as for, for my money, he is the single greatest storyteller, all right, in the history of cinema.

CHARLIE ROSE: The single greatest storyteller.

QUENTIN TARANTINO: Yeah. He- and, and, and probably the single most entertaining filmmaker in the history of cinema. It's, it's so funny, because when you get into this- I mean, when you're talking about people who've like, you know, worked for 30 years and have like, you know, 25, 30, 40 films to show for it, you know, the old guys, the pioneers, all-

QUENTIN TARANTINO: -right, when you go through their films and everything like that, you know, you're, you're looking at this film and, and like you go, 'Oh, I, I never saw this one, and I never saw this one that I really want to.' And then, like, you start seeing some of their later works or some of like, early minor work that-


QUENTIN TARANTINO: -you, you had always heard about, but never saw it, you always are, more or less, kind of disappointed. It's like, you know, 'That's okay.'


QUENTIN TARANTINO: 'It's good to see it so I could say I saw it and everything.' Howard Hawks, except for one movie, never disappointed me. All right, it's like, you know, it's like, even like his, you know, even the ones that didn't get any credit whatsoever, like the ones he did later in his life. like something like, like, like Man's Favorite Sport, which is just basically, this kind of crazy paraphrased remake of Bringing Up Baby, is funny. Is it as good as Bringing Up Baby? No, but it's like really good. It's, it's really funny. Now if I'm going to watch Bringing Up Baby or Man's Favorite Sport, I'll watch Bringing Up Baby. But if Man's Favorite Sport's on TV, I'll watch it in two seconds.


QUENTIN TARANTINO: If it's playing at the theaters, I'll go see it.

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