Thursday, August 26, 2010

[Fwd: Sample acrostics]

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Subject: Sample acrostics
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 20:48:02 +0800
From: richard <>
Organization: NCKU
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

These are some sample acrostics I made up to inspire you to make your own by next week's oral exam:

A friend is to be cherished. Why is (s)he my friend?
F is for the fond memories I have of our friendship.
R is for the road of life we travel together.
I is for the interest we show in one another's joys and sorrows.
E is for the education we give each other, as we learn from one another.
N is for the need we have to be together; for what companion is better than my friend?
D is for the days we spend together, during which our friendship continues to grow.

My husband is my ideal. Why?
H is for the happiness he gives me.
U is for the uxorious affection he shows me.
S is for the sunshine he brings to my life, even on rainy days.
B is for the babies we made together, seven in all!
A is for all the kisses he's given me (more than seven).
N is for the nerve, which (thank God) he had in asking me for a date, though I didn't show the slightest interest in him.
D is for the many days we've spent together, and the many more I hope we can spend together in the future.

A wife is more than a spouse. How so?
W is for the way she dresses just to please me.
I is for the interest she shows in my health and happiness.
F is for her friendship, in addition to the wifely feelings towards me.
E is for the ever-present smile she has for me when I come home tired at night.

A holiday means more to me than just staying home from school or work.
H is for the hour-long hot baths I can enjoy at home, now that my days are my own.
O is for the orange-colored sky at sunset, as I lay on the beach in the cool of the evening.
L is for the lounging I can do around the house.
I is for the way I can involve myself in my hobbies, now that I have the time to do so.
D is for the daily pleasure of going to sleep knowing I don't have to be up at a certain hour.
A is for all the places I can visit.
Y is for the yawning I will do in my morning bed, while I lazily plan the day's activities.

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